Thursday, July 1, 2010

The White Avatar FrontierVille Bug

FrontierVille Bugs vary from the most strange to the most annoying, this one classifies in between. Actually this does not really affect the gameplay but it can make you confused especially if you have multiple avatars on your homestead. The bug generally makes your avatar a plain white outline with no details whatsoever.

In my experience, this bug happens on a slow/intermittent/congested internet connection. It seems that the avatar details are the last to load in the game and having a slow connection will really affect the loading resulting to this FrontierVille Bug. I encountered this several occasions when my entire bandwidth was being used by my torrent client. The game loads but the details in the avatars are nowhere to be found.

The solution is quite simple and that is when playing frontierville it is recommended that you stop other internet applications that might otherwise interfere with the game’s performance. Updating your flash player to the most latest version also helps.

If you have observed this bug, It would be nice if you could share your experience with this bug and how did you managed to solve it.

This would be the first post that we have that talks about FrontierVille Bugs, expect that we will be bringing you more information about other bugs as they come.
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