Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Increase your Neighbors via "Free FrontierVille Tips"

After a week or so of playing, we all know that having more neighbors is the way to go in FrontierVille. The problem is that not all of your contacts play frontierville so you will be really limited. Not for long, "Free Frontierville Tips" as the fastest growing Frontierville community will provide an avenue for Frontierville players to get together and add each other as neighbors.
To have more neighbors all you have to do is paste your facebook username link on the comments section below. The format for the link is where xxxxx is your username. This can be found when you hover over your name on your facebook homepage. (See image below).

Once that’s done, copy the URL and paste it on the comment’s section below and watch as your neighbors increase. Once you done it post our site link or share this post in your facebook profile. It will help other players to find some more nieghbors. This will give you countless neighbors that will make your Frontierville experience more enjoyable.
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